Filed under “how are we doing with this AI thing” and just for funzies, I asked ChatGPT to help us out with bloody mary shrimp, the main feature of the Shrimphaus.

First attempt:  write me a 500 word blog post about bloody mary shrimp

Bloody Mary Shrimp is a delicious and unique twist on the classic Bloody Mary cocktail. This dish combines the bold flavors of a Bloody Mary with succulent shrimp, making it a perfect appetizer or main course for any occasion.

To make this dish, start by marinating the shrimp in a mixture of tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, horseradish, and lemon juice. Let the shrimp marinate for at least an hour, or overnight for maximum flavor. Once the shrimp are marinated, skewer them and grill or broil them for about 3-4 minutes per side, or until they are cooked through…

Oh dear!  Ok, rookie AI mistake.  Additional elaboration from ChatGPT on the above theme elided for brevity.  To be fair, a google search for “bloody mary shrimp” although it mostly gets it right does throw in a few tasty recipies.  Let’s give ChatGPT a little more guidance.

Second attempt:  write me a 200 word blog post about the care and breeding of bloody mary shrimp

Bloody Mary Shrimp, also known as the Red Cherry Shrimp, are a popular and hardy species of freshwater shrimp that are easy to care for and breed. They are native to Taiwan and are known for their bright red color, which can vary from a deep, dark red to a pale, almost pink color.

When caring for Bloody Mary Shrimp, it’s important to keep the water temperature between 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit and to maintain a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. They also prefer a moderate water flow and a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places. It’s important to provide a balanced diet of algae-based food, such as blanched vegetables and specially formulated shrimp food.

In terms of breeding, Bloody Mary Shrimp are known for their ease of breeding and high rate of survival. They are considered to be a “breeder’s shrimp” and are known to breed readily in captivity. The females will carry their eggs for about a month before they hatch, and the fry will grow quickly and reach maturity within 3-4 months.

It’s important to note that Bloody Mary Shrimp are not compatible with certain types of fish, such as Cichlids, which are known to prey on shrimp. Therefore, it’s best to keep them in a tank with other non-predatory fish or in a dedicated shrimp-only tank.

In conclusion, Bloody Mary Shrimp are a hardy and easy-to-care-for species of freshwater shrimp that are perfect for both beginner and experienced aquarists alike. They are known for their bright red color, ease of breeding and high rate of survival, and are considered to be a “breeder’s shrimp.” They are also compatible with other non-predatory fish and can be kept in a dedicated shrimp-only tank.

Well played ChatGPT, well played.

Still, it reads more like a Wikipedia entry without references than a blog post and the concluding paragraph is essentially a TL;DR.  Many of the salient points about bloody mary shrimp are also missing, such as the colouration being inherent in the flesh of the shrimp rather than solely in the carapace as is the case with many other ‘painted shrimp’ varieties, and the ready ability of bloody mary shrimp, as with all neocaridina, to breed with other neocaridina morphs, requiring a single-morph-only tank to avoid reversion to wild-type colouration.  I can also attest from first-hand experience that keeping any small shrimp like bloody marys together with any fish at all (even ‘peaceful community fish’) can have tragic consequences.

We’ll see how the ChatGPT-enabled future evolves, but hopefully Google and other search engines will find a way to not just feed out an endless stream of ChatGPT missives…

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