Unusual view* down into the Fireplace Aquarium during a major water change. On the top of the mountain on the right is Bucephalandra caterina, with newly installed Anubias barteri nana ‘Pinto’ further down. The flopped over red plant is Ludwigia palustris mini ‘Super Red’ with bright green Lobelia cardinalis ‘Dwarf’ just below it. The low green carpet at the front is Marsilea hirsuta. Very difficult to see are a few dark brown fronds from Cryptocoryne lutea ‘Hobbit’ at the front edge on the left side and a few sprigs in the lower right corner. The built-in air lift tube from the underground filter system is the central whitish cylinder. At the back from left to right are the drop checker, the heater and the powerhead.
*It’s unusual because there’s not much overhead clearance between the top of the aquarium and the bottom of the chimney breast so it’s a little tricky getting a camera in there.